Clinical Support Services

Cancer Rehabilitation Clinic

This Clinic is run mostly by volunteer cancer survivors. They lend physical and emotional support to patients suffering from breast and laryngeal cancer and assist with rehabilitation. Its volunteers are available four times weekly.

Volunteer groups operate independently of the Hospital. While they are not part of the medical programme, they play an important public service role.

Opening hours
Tuesdays: 0930 - 1000hrs
Fridays: 1000 - 1200hrs

Diabetes and Obesity Counseling Clinic

Consultants offer advice on living with diabetics, diet, nutrition, lifestyle, early detection and management of complications.

Opening hours
Monday, Friday, Saturday: 1100 - 1300hrs
For appointments, please contact:
Telephone: +91 22 23777 857


The Pharmacy strives to provide excellent service, drug utilization management and drug information through its team of highly trained and dedicated staff. All drugs are provided at MRP rates. In the interest of the patient's medical needs, the Hospital insists that all prescribed drugs be supplied by the Pharmacy.

Opening hours
Weekdays: 0800 - 2100hrs
Sunday and Public Holidays: 0900 - 1700hrs


Physiotherapy is the assessment, treatment and prevention of injuries, other disorders by physical and mechanical means (such as massage, regulated exercise, water, light, heat, and electricity). It enables patients to function at their optimal physical level and often complements other therapies and treatments. It works with patients to prevent disability, relieve pain, and to develop, improve or restore motor functions.